Dear Sir
This is sardar from company CNBM,How is your day today?
I got your contact info from internet and it seems that there is a potential business opportunity between us.
We are CNBM,is the biggest building material manufacturer in China,also well known as a globally fortune 500 company.I am working for ductile iron cast department and any inquiry orqustion,please dont hesitate to contact with me.
Sales Manager
CNBM International Corporation/Oversea DEPT/Dammam KSA
Address:Floor 17th, No.4 Building, Zhuyu International Commercial Center, No.9, Shouti South Road,Haidian District, Beijing 100048, China
Tel:(0086-10) 68796377
Mobile:(0086) 18901266979
Fax:(0086-10) 68796377,

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